Sunday, September 8, 2013

Who am I?

Me? My real name is Kassondra but I definitely prefer Kasey. I'm a freshman at the Ohio State University and it's pretty awesome. I have an extreme passion for anything that involves creativity. I like painting and drawing and I also like reading and making bracelets.

By the time I graduate I hope to have a major in Stage Production and a minor in Entrepreneurship. I would like to do an internship at a tattoo studio in the meantime so I can eventually own my own tattoo studio. After, I wish to eventually go to two years of schooling for cosmetology so that I can open my own barber shop, and two years for Music Producing so I can eventually own my own record producing studio, as well, and make my own techno music. By the time I'm fifty, I also hope to own my own clothing studio.

I'm a small girl with big dreams, but I truly hope that my big dreams will be my inspiration to success. The Arts are what I love to do, and my passion will help me thrive to get where I need to be. We all have a plan in life, it's just a matter of those that are willing to stand up to the plate and do whatever it is you need to do to get yourself where you need to be. When it comes to your destiny, it's yours and nobody else's which means that you have to do it for you and you can't let anybody hold you back from being you. I was once told that we are like houses, your foyer is how you present yourself, your kitchen is the gathering place, and your bedroom is for you. You don't want people coming into a messy bedroom, which means you have to get yourself together and know yourself before you can let anybody else in.

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