Monday, September 16, 2013

Being in Tune With Who You Are

1. There are many things that form a person into who they are. Some people are more in tune with these aspects of themselves and how they've come to make them into a person, and other people are still figuring out. I feel that I'm a person who is really in touch with myself, and this derives from knowing where I came from and who I want to be.

I was raised in a tiny house without much alone time, seeing that I shared a room with my little sister my whole life. I've always liked having a lot of friends and talking to new people. Growing up I was one of maybe ten white kids in all of my classes. I come from Toledo which is predominately African American. I have an Appalachian American background myself, and this comes from my dad’s side of the family. My dad died when I was almost nine so I never knew much of his side of the family. The death of my father from cancer at such a young age helped form me into the person I am. Even though this is a bad experience that I was unfortunate to encounter, I don’t regret it because it is truly something that formed me into who I am. My grandmother was also a very big factor in what lead to my views and goals in life. She was a painter and drawer until she started going blind when I was about three. After my father died, I would spend a lot of time with my grandmother after school. During this time, she would try to teach my little sister and I tricks of the artist trade. At the time I thought it was stupid, but I remember those things now and they’ve helped me to become a better artist. About four years after my father passed away, my grandmother passed away also. This wasn’t something I was new to but it was still hard and it’s another one of those things that I don’t necessarily regret because it’s helped form me into the person I am today.

I’m a very hands-on type of person. I like interacting and I love being with people. I’m not the type of person that requires very much alone time, I’d much rather be with a group of people. This may be due to the fact that I never really had alone time growing up because I shared a room with my sister. My artistic and creative side obviously comes from my grandmother and her exposing me at a young age. I have big goals for myself that I know I’ll push through with the right dedication. This comes from my mother, her pigheadedness, and the fact that she always encouraged me that I can do anything I set my mind to. With these good influences and my diverse background I hope that one day, all of my dreams will come true. (:


  1. Kasey,

    I enjoy the fact that you are a determined and thoughtful person who will, undoubtedly open up all of your shops and I know this because your strength and determination are very prevalent in your post! I cannot wait to see one of your many stores one day in the near future!

    I noticed that one of your amazing strengths is being able to take the tragedies you have experienced in your life and learn from them by honoring your father and grandmother through your everyday actions. Your strength, determination, and artistic talent. That is a kind of skill that not many people can say they posses. Thank you for sharing bits and pieces of who you are and what made you, you.


  2. Just a random thought: My grandma has actually also helped me become a lot of who I am today, and is also a painter. She taught me to paint and draw and develop a skill that I didn't even know came naturally to me, and even though i'm not pursuing it like you, I do use it to release my frustrations.
    What really intrigued me about your blog though is that I think you have a really clear image of who you are and how you got here, and that's always good to see, we need more people to be themselves rather than what society wants them to be! I also really love how you see the good even in not so good experiences, its really inspiring.

