Sunday, September 8, 2013

"Everbody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it'll spend its whole life believing its stupid."

I am an entrepreneur because I have big goals in life. I have the perseverance to get myself through the tough spots, I have the compassion to make connections, a vivacious personality that draws others in, and I have a strong urge to help the world in the best ways that I can.

Albert Einstein once had a quote that said, "Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” This is actually my all-time favorite quote. I believe this is a very interesting way to look at the world, because now-a-days we judge everything by school and how much schooling you have. I want to open my own record producing studio and I wish to use this to help out people who wouldn't necessarily make it any other way. Just because you aren't the brightest crayon in the box, doesn't mean you don't deserve to make it. If you have an amazing singing voice, then that's your talent and passion and that's going to be what gets you places in life, but society makes that close to impossible sometimes. I want to be that person that goes out of the box and helps people that are truly talented.

I also wish to make impressions on people's lives. Just because my line of work isn't directly helping people all the time, I wish to make a person's day a little happier through my art, or inspire someone to do what their passionate about and not let others down. Being an entrepreneur isn't just about opening your own business, it's about being a leader to others, someone that can be depended upon but also someone that treats you like an equal. I want to be that person that goes out of their way to make people feel better about themselves. I feel that confidence is a big factor to knowing yourself because if you aren't confident with yourself, how can anybody else feel confident towards you and what your trying to do? If you exude an aura of confidence, even if you aren't confident, people will believe you and because there are so many people that lack self confidence, they look to the people who are confident in themselves. Confidence opens many doors and I feel is a big factor to making yourself an entrepreneur to not only yourself but to others as well.

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