Monday, September 23, 2013

The Perks of Being an Orange Flower

My color is orange: My strength is skillfulness.

"If your brightest color is ORANGE, a zest for life and desire to test the limits best describe your nature. You take pride in being highly skilled in a variety of field and need freedom to take immediate action. You prefer a hands-on approach to problem solving, and a direct line of reasoning creates the excitement and immediate results you admire. You are a master negotiator; adventure is your middle name."

I honestly think it's crazy how well the orange theme fits me. I want everything life has to offer me, and I want it as soon as I can get it. Rules aren't my forte, but I can handle them. I prefer to be the smiling face that helps put it all together. People tend to think of me as impatient, but it's only because they don't understand the need I feel to get things done. I was never able to decide on a career path, so I'm doing them all. If I can, why not? I'm going to take everything life has to offer head on. On one side, I'm a very go-with-the-flow, I'm-up-for-anything kind of person; on the other, I'm a zesty outgoing person, who is known as that person with a positive outlook on everything. I'm very competitive, which is funny because when we were in our group, I could see that in all of us. All of us had something to say so we couldn't decide on any one thing. If you put us in a room and gave us a project to do I don't think it would go the best because of the fact that all of us would have our own ideas and want to be in charge. People tend to refer to me as a "Free Spirit"

My MTBI was

Outgoing, friendly, and accepting. Exuberant lovers of life, people, and material comforts. Enjoy working with others to make things happen. Bring common sense and a realistic approach to their work, and make work fun. Flexible, spontaneous, adapt readily to new people and environments. Learn best by trying a new skill with other people.
This also describes me very well. Although I'm not much sure about the "common sense" part since most people ask me if I'm naturally a blonde, but that's besides the point. I love working on big projects with other people and watching it all come together at the end. I adjust to new settings quickly because I'm very accepting of new things; I approach them with a smile. Reaching out to others has never been a problem to me, I'll make a friend out of anybody. New people are interesting, and every person I meet helps me grow in some sort of way. I love life and the little things it has to offer, and can't wait for all of what it has in store for me.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Lasting Impressions - Mission Statement

2. My Mission Statement:

My purpose in life is to make a lasting impression on every person I come into contact with. I value helping other people to reach their goals and I value others happiness. I want to become a Stage Producer in Theatre and I want to take it internationally so that my art inspires people all over the world. I hope through this that I can bring together plays and enjoy watching every smile that walks through the door after the show that night. However, Stage Producing isn't the only thing I wish to do with my life. I wish to own my own tattoo studio; through this I want to help people creatively express themselves in the way they'd like to. I want to open my own recording studio; through this I want to promote people who wouldn't make it otherwise. Just because someone isn't book smart doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to make it. If you have an amazing voice, then singing is your talent and you deserve to make it for your talent just like everybody else. Eventually, I wish to open my own barber shop where I can make a good relaxing hangout place for people to come and get their hair or nails done with good customer service in a chill environment. By the time I'm fifty, I wish to own all this and also open up my own clothing store that's reasonably priced with clothes for all shapes and sizes that you may not normally find anywhere else. The reason I will get all this is because I'm very determined. I'm a very social, happy, creative, intellectual, outgoing person who wants to do everything with their life. It all starts with a dream and hard work and dedication to myself, as well as others, will be what gets me there.

Being in Tune With Who You Are

1. There are many things that form a person into who they are. Some people are more in tune with these aspects of themselves and how they've come to make them into a person, and other people are still figuring out. I feel that I'm a person who is really in touch with myself, and this derives from knowing where I came from and who I want to be.

I was raised in a tiny house without much alone time, seeing that I shared a room with my little sister my whole life. I've always liked having a lot of friends and talking to new people. Growing up I was one of maybe ten white kids in all of my classes. I come from Toledo which is predominately African American. I have an Appalachian American background myself, and this comes from my dad’s side of the family. My dad died when I was almost nine so I never knew much of his side of the family. The death of my father from cancer at such a young age helped form me into the person I am. Even though this is a bad experience that I was unfortunate to encounter, I don’t regret it because it is truly something that formed me into who I am. My grandmother was also a very big factor in what lead to my views and goals in life. She was a painter and drawer until she started going blind when I was about three. After my father died, I would spend a lot of time with my grandmother after school. During this time, she would try to teach my little sister and I tricks of the artist trade. At the time I thought it was stupid, but I remember those things now and they’ve helped me to become a better artist. About four years after my father passed away, my grandmother passed away also. This wasn’t something I was new to but it was still hard and it’s another one of those things that I don’t necessarily regret because it’s helped form me into the person I am today.

I’m a very hands-on type of person. I like interacting and I love being with people. I’m not the type of person that requires very much alone time, I’d much rather be with a group of people. This may be due to the fact that I never really had alone time growing up because I shared a room with my sister. My artistic and creative side obviously comes from my grandmother and her exposing me at a young age. I have big goals for myself that I know I’ll push through with the right dedication. This comes from my mother, her pigheadedness, and the fact that she always encouraged me that I can do anything I set my mind to. With these good influences and my diverse background I hope that one day, all of my dreams will come true. (:

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Harry Perseverance

The first impression of leadership I think I can ever remember having would definitely be Harry Potter. I first read the books between the summer of my 4th and 5th grade year. I fell in love and I still absolutely love Harry Potter but that's besides the point.

I think even from the very beginning I could relate to Harry because he was an eleven year old who has been through a lot but pushes through it all to embrace something totally new and try to stand above the crowd. There's a part at the very end of the first book that really inspires me, Hermione is telling Harry how brave he is, and how good he is at making friends and it's very heart touching. Harry Potter is a relatable character, he's not afraid to stand up and take the plate, he's compassionate, and he's a person who you can look up to because he isn't afraid of being himself. Sometimes people may call him stupid for chasing after the bad guy, but I feel that it just shows that you have to advance through the hard spots in order to get you to a better spot, and even if you have to keep pushing your perseverance will pay off in the end.

"Everbody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it'll spend its whole life believing its stupid."

I am an entrepreneur because I have big goals in life. I have the perseverance to get myself through the tough spots, I have the compassion to make connections, a vivacious personality that draws others in, and I have a strong urge to help the world in the best ways that I can.

Albert Einstein once had a quote that said, "Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” This is actually my all-time favorite quote. I believe this is a very interesting way to look at the world, because now-a-days we judge everything by school and how much schooling you have. I want to open my own record producing studio and I wish to use this to help out people who wouldn't necessarily make it any other way. Just because you aren't the brightest crayon in the box, doesn't mean you don't deserve to make it. If you have an amazing singing voice, then that's your talent and passion and that's going to be what gets you places in life, but society makes that close to impossible sometimes. I want to be that person that goes out of the box and helps people that are truly talented.

I also wish to make impressions on people's lives. Just because my line of work isn't directly helping people all the time, I wish to make a person's day a little happier through my art, or inspire someone to do what their passionate about and not let others down. Being an entrepreneur isn't just about opening your own business, it's about being a leader to others, someone that can be depended upon but also someone that treats you like an equal. I want to be that person that goes out of their way to make people feel better about themselves. I feel that confidence is a big factor to knowing yourself because if you aren't confident with yourself, how can anybody else feel confident towards you and what your trying to do? If you exude an aura of confidence, even if you aren't confident, people will believe you and because there are so many people that lack self confidence, they look to the people who are confident in themselves. Confidence opens many doors and I feel is a big factor to making yourself an entrepreneur to not only yourself but to others as well.

Who am I?

Me? My real name is Kassondra but I definitely prefer Kasey. I'm a freshman at the Ohio State University and it's pretty awesome. I have an extreme passion for anything that involves creativity. I like painting and drawing and I also like reading and making bracelets.

By the time I graduate I hope to have a major in Stage Production and a minor in Entrepreneurship. I would like to do an internship at a tattoo studio in the meantime so I can eventually own my own tattoo studio. After, I wish to eventually go to two years of schooling for cosmetology so that I can open my own barber shop, and two years for Music Producing so I can eventually own my own record producing studio, as well, and make my own techno music. By the time I'm fifty, I also hope to own my own clothing studio.

I'm a small girl with big dreams, but I truly hope that my big dreams will be my inspiration to success. The Arts are what I love to do, and my passion will help me thrive to get where I need to be. We all have a plan in life, it's just a matter of those that are willing to stand up to the plate and do whatever it is you need to do to get yourself where you need to be. When it comes to your destiny, it's yours and nobody else's which means that you have to do it for you and you can't let anybody hold you back from being you. I was once told that we are like houses, your foyer is how you present yourself, your kitchen is the gathering place, and your bedroom is for you. You don't want people coming into a messy bedroom, which means you have to get yourself together and know yourself before you can let anybody else in.